Verify Proposal

$ ppl-sig verify --proposal 6NuA13zJvhA7GU86LzzrhwTVYCbkKqzvpwHT
verifying proposal 6NuA13zJvhA7GU86LzzrhwTVYCbkKqzvpwHTzkejG
DPg passed 

Signature: 5KeUaAf8hvjeiRSrVUyRYXKhYTy2TfTft5s3y6yi5TbTUgguFf6WdEQ3crHkDVfkmuToVB95nA6f62osWD2krnht

The proposal can be verified using the verify instruction after the proposal is approved, and the proposal account will be deleted after the verification is passed.

This step corresponds to step 9 of the above multi-signature process and occurs in the second Alice call.

The proposal validation interface must be called by a custom contract across contracts to serve its intended purpose, never call the verify instruction offline.

For multi-signature interfaces, the contract developer, should execute the business logic of the interface after a successful verify call.

To prevent proposal account stacking, proposal accounts will be deleted after verify successfully.

To view information on the proposal account after successful Verify.

$ ppl-sig proposal-info 6NuA13zJvhA7GU86LzzrhwTVYCbkKqzvpwH

thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: ClientError { request: None, kind: RpcError(ForUser("AccountNotFound: pubkey=6NuA13zJvhA7GU86LzzrhwTVYCbkKqzvpwHTzkejGDPg")) }', multi-sig/cli/src/
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

As you can see, the proposal account is no longer available for searching.

Last updated