Add PUT to Your Exchange

Add PUT to Your Exchange

This guide describes how to add PUT's native token PUT to your cryptocurrency exchange.

Node Setup

We highly recommend setting up at least two nodes on high-grade computers/cloud instances, upgrading to newer versions promptly, and keeping an eye on service operations with a bundled monitoring tool.

This setup enables you:

  • to have a self-administered gateway to the PUT mainnet-beta cluster to get data and submit withdrawal transactions

  • to have full control over how much historical block data is retained

  • to maintain your service availability even if one node fails

PUT nodes demand relatively high computing power to handle our fast blocks and high TPS. For specific requirements, please see hardware recommendations.

To run an api node:

  • Install the PUT command-line tool suite

  • Start the validator with at least the following parameters:

      put-validator \
        --ledger <LEDGER_PATH> \
        --identity <VALIDATOR_IDENTITY_KEYPAIR> \
        --entrypoint <CLUSTER_ENTRYPOINT> \
        --expected-genesis-hash <EXPECTED_GENESIS_HASH> \
        --rpc-port 8899 \
        --no-voting \
        --enable-rpc-transaction-history \
        --limit-ledger-size \
        --known-validator <VALIDATOR_ADDRESS> \

Customize --ledger to your desired ledger storage location, and --rpc-port to the port you want to expose.

The --entrypoint and --expected-genesis-hash parameters are all specific to the cluster you are joining. Current parameters for Mainnet Beta

The --limit-ledger-size parameter allows you to specify how many ledger shreds your node retains on disk.

If you do not include this parameter, the validator will keep the entire ledger until it runs out of disk space.

The default value attempts to keep the ledger disk usage under 500GB.

More or less disk usage may be requested by adding an argument to --limit-ledger-size if desired.

Check put-validator --help for the default limit value used by --limit-ledger-size.

More information about selecting a custom limit value is available here.

Specifying one or more --known-validator parameters can protect you from booting from a malicious snapshot. More on the value of booting with known validators

Optional parameters to consider:

  • --private-rpc prevents your RPC port from being published for use by other nodes

  • --rpc-bind-address allows you to specify a different IP address to bind the RPC port

Automatic Restarts and Monitoring

We recommend configuring each of your nodes to restart automatically on exit, to ensure you miss as little data as possible.

Running the PUT software as a systemd service is one great option.

For monitoring, we provide put-watchtower, which can monitor your validator and detect with the put-validator process is unhealthy.

It can directly be configured to alert you via Slack, Telegram, Discord, or Twillio.

For details, run put-watchtower --help.

put-watchtower --validator-identity <YOUR VALIDATOR IDENTITY>

New Software Release Announcements

We release new software frequently (around 1 release / week).

Sometimes newer versions include incompatible protocol changes, which necessitate timely software update to avoid errors in processing blocks.

Our official release announcements for all kinds of releases (normal and security) are communicated via a discord channel called #mb-announcement (mb stands for mainnet-beta).

Like staked validators, we expect any exchange-operated validators to be updated at your earliest convenience within a business day or two after a normal release announcement.

For security-related releases, more urgent action may be needed.

Ledger Continuity

By default, each of your nodes will boot from a snapshot provided by one of your known validators.

This snapshot reflects the current state of the chain, but does not contain the complete historical ledger.

If one of your node exits and boots from a new snapshot, there may be a gap in the ledger on that node.

In order to prevent this issue, add the --no-snapshot-fetch parameter to your put-validator command to receive historical ledger data instead of a snapshot.

Do not pass the --no-snapshot-fetch parameter on your initial boot as it's not possible to boot the node all the way from the genesis block.

Instead boot from a snapshot first and then add the --no-snapshot-fetch parameter for reboots.

It is important to note that the amount of historical ledger available to your nodes from the rest of the network is limited at any point in time.

Once operational if your validators experience significant downtime they may not be able to catch up to the network and will need to download a new snapshot from a known validator.

In doing so your validators will now have a gap in its historical ledger data that cannot be filled.

Minimizing Validator Port Exposure#

The validator requires that various UDP and TCP ports be open for inbound traffic from all other PUT validators.

While this is the most efficient mode of operation, and is strongly recommended, it is possible to restrict the validator to only require inbound traffic from one other PUT validator.

First add the --restricted-repair-only-mode argument.

This will cause the validator to operate in a restricted mode where it will not receive pushes from the rest of the validators, and instead will need to continually poll other validators for blocks.

The validator will only transmit UDP packets to other validators using the Gossip and ServeR ("serve repair") ports, and only receive UDP packets on its Gossip and Repair ports.

The Gossip port is bi-directional and allows your validator to remain in contact with the rest of the cluster.

Your validator transmits on the ServeR to make repair requests to obtaining new blocks from the rest of the network, since Turbine is now disabled.

Your validator will then receive repair responses on the Repair port from other validators.

To further restrict the validator to only requesting blocks from one or more validators, first determine the identity pubkey for that validator and add the --gossip-pull-validator PUBKEY --repair-validator PUBKEY arguments for each PUBKEY.

This will cause your validator to be a resource drain on each validator that you add, so please do this sparingly and only after consulting with the target validator.

Your validator should now only be communicating with the explicitly listed validators and only on the Gossip, Repair and ServeR ports.

Setting up Deposit Accounts#

PUT accounts do not require any on-chain initialization; once they contain some PUT, they exist.

To set up a deposit account for your exchange, simply generate a PUT keypair using any of our wallet tools.

We recommend using a unique deposit account for each of your users.

PUT accounts must be made rent-exempt by containing 2-years worth of rent in PUT.

In order to find the minimum rent-exempt balance for your deposit accounts, query the getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption endpoint:

curl localhost:8899 -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption",

# Result

Offline Accounts#

You may wish to keep the keys for one or more collection accounts offline for greater security.

If so, you will need to move PUT to hot accounts using our offline methods.

Listening for Deposits

When a user wants to deposit PUT into your exchange, instruct them to send a transfer to the appropriate deposit address.

Versioned Transaction Migration

When the Mainnet Beta network starts processing versioned transactions, exchanges MUST make changes.

If no changes are made, deposit detection will no longer work properly because fetching a versioned transaction or a block containing versioned transactions will return an error.

  • {"maxSupportedTransactionVersion": 0}

The maxSupportedTransactionVersion parameter must be added to getBlock and getTransaction requests to avoid disruption to deposit detection.

The latest transaction version is 0 and should be specified as the max supported transaction version value.

It's important to understand that versioned transactions allow users to create transactions that use another set of account keys loaded from on-chain address lookup tables.

  • {"encoding": "jsonParsed"}

When fetching blocks and transactions, it's now recommended to use the "jsonParsed" encoding because it includes all transaction account keys (including those from lookup tables) in the message "accountKeys" list.

This makes it straightforward to resolve balance changes detailed in preBalances / postBalances and preTokenBalances / postTokenBalances.

If the "json" encoding is used instead, entries in preBalances / postBalances and preTokenBalances / postTokenBalances may refer to account keys that are NOT in the "accountKeys" list and need to be resolved using "loadedAddresses" entries in the transaction metadata.

Poll for Blocks

To track all the deposit accounts for your exchange, poll for each confirmed block and inspect for addresses of interest, using the JSON-RPC service of your PUT API node.

  • To identify which blocks are available, send a getBlocks request, passing the last block you have already processed as the start-slot parameter:

      curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
        "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "id": 1,
        "method": "getBlocks",
        "params": [160017005, 160017015]
      # Result

Not every slot produces a block, so there may be gaps in the sequence of integers.

  • For each block, request its contents with a getBlock request:

Block Fetching Tips

  • {"rewards": false}

By default, fetched blocks will return information about validator fees on each block and staking rewards on epoch boundaries. If you don't need this information, disable it with the "rewards" parameter.

  • {"transactionDetails": "accounts"}

By default, fetched blocks will return a lot of transaction info and metadata that isn't necessary for tracking account balances.

Set the "transactionDetails" parameter to speed up block fetching.

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "getBlock",
  "params": [
      "encoding": "jsonParsed",
      "maxSupportedTransactionVersion": 0,
      "transactionDetails": "accounts",
      "rewards": false

# Result
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "blockHeight": 157201607,
    "blockTime": 1665070281,
    "blockhash": "HKhao674uvFc4wMK1Cm3UyuuGbKExdgPFjXQ5xtvsG3o",
    "parentSlot": 166974441,
    "previousBlockhash": "98CNLU4rsYa2HDUyp7PubU4DhwYJJhSX9v6pvE7SWsAo",
    "transactions": [
      ... (omit)
        "meta": {
          "err": null,
          "fee": 5000,
          "postBalances": [
          "postTokenBalances": [],
          "preBalances": [
          "preTokenBalances": [],
          "status": {
            "Ok": null
        "transaction": {
          "accountKeys": [
              "pubkey": "9aE476sH92Vz7DMPyq5WLPkrKWivxeuTKEFKd2sZZcde",
              "signer": true,
              "source": "transaction",
              "writable": true
              "pubkey": "11111111111111111111111111111111",
              "signer": false,
              "source": "transaction",
              "writable": false
              "pubkey": "G1wZ113tiUHdSpQEBcid8n1x8BAvcWZoZgxPKxgE5B7o",
              "signer": false,
              "source": "lookupTable",
              "writable": true
          "signatures": [
        "version": 0
      ... (omit)
  "id": 1

The preBalances and postBalances fields allow you to track the balance changes in every account without having to parse the entire transaction.

They list the starting and ending balances of each account in lamports, indexed to the accountKeys list. For example, if the deposit address of interest is G1wZ113tiUHdSpQEBcid8n1x8BAvcWZoZgxPKxgE5B7o, this transaction represents a transfer of 1040000000 - 1030000000 = 10,000,000 lamports = 0.01 PUT

If you need more information about the transaction type or other specifics, you can request the block from RPC in binary format, and parse it using either our Rust SDK or Javascript SDK.

Address History

You can also query the transaction history of a specific address.

This is generally not a viable method for tracking all your deposit addresses over all slots, but may be useful for examining a few accounts for a specific period of time.

  • Send a getSignaturesForAddress request to the api node:

      curl localhost:8899 -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
        "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "id": 1,
        "method": "getSignaturesForAddress",
        "params": [
            "limit": 3
      # Result
        "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "result": [
            "blockTime": 1662064640,
            "confirmationStatus": "finalized",
            "err": null,
            "memo": null,
            "signature": "3EDRvnD5TbbMS2mCusop6oyHLD8CgnjncaYQd5RXpgnjYUXRCYwiNPmXb6ZG5KdTK4zAaygEhfdLoP7TDzwKBVQp",
            "slot": 148697216
            "blockTime": 1662064434,
            "confirmationStatus": "finalized",
            "err": null,
            "memo": null,
            "signature": "4rPQ5wthgSP1kLdLqcRgQnkYkPAZqjv5vm59LijrQDSKuL2HLmZHoHjdSLDXXWFwWdaKXUuryRBGwEvSxn3TQckY",
            "slot": 148696843
            "blockTime": 1662064341,
            "confirmationStatus": "finalized",
            "err": null,
            "memo": null,
            "signature": "36Q383JMiqiobuPV9qBqy41xjMsVnQBm9rdZSdpbrLTGhSQDTGZJnocM4TQTVfUGfV2vEX9ZB3sex6wUBUWzjEvs",
            "slot": 148696677
        "id": 1
  • For each signature returned, get the transaction details by sending a getTransaction request:

      curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
      # Result
        "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "result": {
          "blockTime": 1665070281,
          "meta": {
            "err": null,
            "fee": 5000,
            "innerInstructions": [],
            "logMessages": [
              "Program 11111111111111111111111111111111 invoke [1]",
              "Program 11111111111111111111111111111111 success"
            "postBalances": [
            "postTokenBalances": [],
            "preBalances": [
            "preTokenBalances": [],
            "rewards": [],
            "status": {
              "Ok": null
          "slot": 166974442,
          "transaction": {
            "message": {
              "accountKeys": [
                  "pubkey": "9aE476sH92Vz7DMPyq5WLPkrKWivxeuTKEFKd2sZZcde",
                  "signer": true,
                  "source": "transaction",
                  "writable": true
                  "pubkey": "11111111111111111111111111111111",
                  "signer": false,
                  "source": "transaction",
                  "writable": false
                  "pubkey": "G1wZ113tiUHdSpQEBcid8n1x8BAvcWZoZgxPKxgE5B7o",
                  "signer": false,
                  "source": "lookupTable",
                  "writable": true
              "addressTableLookups": [
                  "accountKey": "4syr5pBaboZy4cZyF6sys82uGD7jEvoAP2ZMaoich4fZ",
                  "readonlyIndexes": [],
                  "writableIndexes": [
              "instructions": [
                  "parsed": {
                    "info": {
                      "destination": "G1wZ113tiUHdSpQEBcid8n1x8BAvcWZoZgxPKxgE5B7o",
                      "lamports": 10000000,
                      "source": "9aE476sH92Vz7DMPyq5WLPkrKWivxeuTKEFKd2sZZcde"
                    "type": "transfer"
                  "program": "system",
                  "programId": "11111111111111111111111111111111"
              "recentBlockhash": "BhhivDNgoy4L5tLtHb1s3TP19uUXqKiy4FfUR34d93eT"
            "signatures": [
          "version": 0
        "id": 1

Sending Withdrawals

To accommodate a user's request to withdraw PUT, you must generate a PUT transfer transaction, and send it to the api node to be forwarded to your cluster.


Sending a synchronous transfer to the PUT cluster allows you to easily ensure that a transfer is successful and finalized by the cluster.

PUT's command-line tool offers a simple command, PUT transfer, to generate, submit, and confirm transfer transactions.

By default, this method will wait and track progress on stderr until the transaction has been finalized by the cluster. If the transaction fails, it will report any transaction errors.

put transfer <USER_ADDRESS> <AMOUNT> --allow-unfunded-recipient --keypair <KEYPAIR> --url http://localhost:8899

The PUT Javascript SDK offers a similar approach for the JS ecosystem.

Use the SystemProgram to build a transfer transaction, and submit it using the sendAndConfirmTransaction method.


For greater flexibility, you can submit withdrawal transfers asynchronously. In these cases, it is your responsibility to verify that the transaction succeeded and was finalized by the cluster.

Note: Each transaction contains a recent blockhash to indicate its liveness.

It is critical to wait until this blockhash expires before retrying a withdrawal transfer that does not appear to have been confirmed or finalized by the cluster.

Otherwise, you risk a double spend. See more on blockhash expiration below.

First, get a recent blockhash using the getFees endpoint or the CLI command:

put fees --url http://localhost:8899

In the command-line tool, pass the --no-wait argument to send a transfer asynchronously, and include your recent blockhash with the --blockhash argument:

PUT transfer <USER_ADDRESS> --no-wait --allow-unfunded-recipient --blockhash <RECENT_BLOCKHASH> --keypair --url http://localhost:8899 You can also build, sign, and serialize the transaction manually, and fire it off to the cluster using the JSON-RPC sendTransaction endpoint.

Transaction Confirmations & Finality#

Get the status of a batch of transactions using the getSignatureStatuses JSON-RPC endpoint.

The confirmations field reports how many confirmed blocks have elapsed since the transaction was processed. If confirmations: null, it is finalized.

curl localhost:8899 -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{

# Result
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "context": {
      "slot": 82
    "value": [
        "slot": 72,
        "confirmations": 10,
        "err": null,
        "status": {
          "Ok": null
        "slot": 48,
        "confirmations": null,
        "err": null,
        "status": {
          "Ok": null
  "id": 1

Blockhash Expiration#

You can check whether a particular blockhash is still valid by sending a getFeeCalculatorForBlockhash request with the blockhash as a parameter. If the response value is null, the blockhash is expired, and the withdrawal transaction using that blockhash should never succeed.

Validating User-supplied Account Addresses for Withdrawals

As withdrawals are irreversible, it may be a good practice to validate a user-supplied account address before authorizing a withdrawal in order to prevent accidental loss of user funds.

Basic verification#

PUT addresses a 32-byte array, encoded with the bitcoin base58 alphabet. This results in an ASCII text string matching the following regular expression:


This check is insufficient on its own as PUT addresses are not checksummed, so typos cannot be detected. To further validate the user's input, the string can be decoded and the resulting byte array's length confirmed to be 32.

However, there are some addresses that can decode to 32 bytes despite a typo such as a single missing character, reversed characters and ignored case

Advanced verification#

Due to the vulnerability to typos described above, it is recommended that the balance be queried for candidate withdraw addresses and the user prompted to confirm their intentions if a non-zero balance is discovered.

Valid ed25519 pubkey check#

The address of a normal account in PUT is a Base58-encoded string of a 256-bit ed25519 public key.

Not all bit patterns are valid public keys for the ed25519 curve, so it is possible to ensure user-supplied account addresses are at least correct ed25519 public keys.


Here is a Java example of validating a user-supplied address as a valid ed25519 public key:

The following code sample assumes you're using the Maven.





import io.github.novacrypto.base58.Base58;
import cafe.cryptography.curve25519.CompressedEdwardsY;

public class PubkeyValidator
    public static boolean verifyPubkey(String userProvidedPubkey)
        try {
            return _verifyPubkeyInternal(userProvidedPubkey);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return false;

    public static boolean _verifyPubkeyInternal(String maybePubkey) throws Exception
        byte[] bytes = Base58.base58Decode(maybePubkey);
        return !(new CompressedEdwardsY(bytes)).decompress().isSmallOrder();

Minimum Deposit & Withdrawal Amounts

Every deposit and withdrawal of PUT must be greater or equal to the minimum rent-exempt balance for the account at the wallet address (a basic PUT account holding no data), currently: 0.000890880 PUT

Similarly, every deposit account must contain at least this balance.

curl localhost:8899 -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption",
  "params": [0]

# Result

Supporting the PPL Token Standard

PPL Token is the standard for wrapped/synthetic token creation and exchange on the PUT blockchain.

The PPL Token workflow is similar to that of native PUT tokens, but there are a few differences which will be discussed in this section.

Token Mints

Each type of PPL Token is declared by creating a mint account. This account stores metadata describing token features like the supply, number of decimals, and various authorities with control over the mint.

Each PPL Token account references its associated mint and may only interact with PPL Tokens of that type.

Installing the PPL-token CLI Tool

PPL Token accounts are queried and modified using the PPL-token command line utility.

The examples provided in this section depend upon having it installed on the local system.

PPL-token is distributed from Rust via the Rust cargo command line utility.

The latest version of cargo can be installed using a handy one-liner for your platform at

Once cargo is installed, PPL-token can be obtained with the following command:

cargo install PPL-token-cli

You can then check the installed version to verify

PPL-token --version

Which should result in something like

PPL-token-cli 2.0.1

Account Creation

PPL Token accounts carry additional requirements that native System Program accounts do not:

  • PPL Token accounts must be created before an amount of tokens can be deposited.

Token accounts can be created explicitly with the PPL-token create-account command, or implicitly by the PPL-token transfer --fund-recipient ... command.

  • PPL Token accounts must remain rent-exempt for the duration of their existence and therefore require a small amount of native PUT tokens be deposited at account creation.

For PPL Token v2 accounts, this amount is 0.00203928 PUT (2,039,280 lamports).

Command Line#

To create an PPL Token account with the following properties:

  • 1.Associated with the given mint

  • 2.Owned by the funding account's keypair

    PPL-token create-account <TOKEN_MINT_ADDRESS>


$ PPL-token create-account AkUFCWTXb3w9nY2n6SFJvBV6VwvFUCe4KBMCcgLsa2ir
Creating account 6VzWGL51jLebvnDifvcuEDec17sK6Wupi4gYhm5RzfkV
Signature: 4JsqZEPra2eDTHtHpB4FMWSfk3UgcCVmkKkP7zESZeMrKmFFkDkNd91pKP3vPVVZZPiu5XxyJwS73Vi5WsZL88D7

Or to create an PPL Token account with a specific keypair:

$ put-keygen new -o token-account.json
$ PPL-token create-account AkUFCWTXb3w9nY2n6SFJvBV6VwvFUCe4KBMCcgLsa2ir token-account.json
Creating account 6VzWGL51jLebvnDifvcuEDec17sK6Wupi4gYhm5RzfkV
Signature: 4JsqZEPra2eDTHtHpB4FMWSfk3UgcCVmkKkP7zESZeMrKmFFkDkNd91pKP3vPVVZZPiu5XxyJwS73Vi5WsZL88D7

Checking an Account's Balance#

Command Line



$ put balance 6VzWGL51jLebvnDifvcuEDec17sK6Wupi4gYhm5RzfkV

Token Transfers

The source account for a transfer is the actual token account that contains the amount.

The recipient address however can be a normal wallet account.

If an associated token account for the given mint does not yet exist for that wallet, the transfer will create it provided that the --fund-recipient argument as provided.

Command Line



$ PPL-token transfer 6B199xxzw3PkAm25hGJpjj3Wj3WNYNHzDAnt1tEqg5BN 1 6VzWGL51jLebvnDifvcuEDec17sK6Wupi4gYhm5RzfkV
Transfer 1 tokens
  Sender: 6B199xxzw3PkAm25hGJpjj3Wj3WNYNHzDAnt1tEqg5BN
  Recipient: 6VzWGL51jLebvnDifvcuEDec17sK6Wupi4gYhm5RzfkV
Signature: 3R6tsog17QM8KfzbcbdP4aoMfwgo6hBggJDVy7dZPVmH2xbCWjEj31JKD53NzMrf25ChFjY7Uv2dfCDq4mGFFyAj


Since each (wallet, mint) pair requires a separate account on chain.

It is recommended that the addresses for these accounts be derived from PUT deposit wallets using the Associated Token Account (ATA) scheme and that only deposits from ATA addresses be accepted.

Monitoring for deposit transactions should follow the block polling method described above.

Each new block should be scanned for successful transactions referencing user token-account derived addresses.

The preTokenBalance and postTokenBalance fields from the transaction's metadata must then be used to determine the effective balance change.

These fields will identify the token mint and account owner (main wallet address) of the affected account.

Note that if a receiving account is created during the transaction, it will have no preTokenBalance entry as there is no existing account state.

In this case, the initial balance can be assumed to be zero.


The withdrawal address a user provides must be the that of their PUT wallet.

Before executing a withdrawal transfer, the exchange should check the address as described above.

Additionally this address must be owned by the System Program and have no account data.

If the address has no PUT balance, user confirmation should be obtained before proceeding with the withdrawal. All other withdrawal addresses must be rejected.

From the withdrawal address, the Associated Token Account (ATA) for the correct mint is derived and the transfer issued to that account via a TransferChecked instruction.

Note that it is possible that the ATA address does not yet exist, at which point the exchange should fund the account on behalf of the user. For PPL Token v2 accounts, funding the withdrawal account will require 0.00203928 PUT (2,039,280 lamports).

Template PPL-token transfer command for a withdrawal:

$ PPL-token transfer --fund-recipient <exchange token account> <withdrawal amount> <withdrawal address>

Other Considerations

Freeze Authority

For regulatory compliance reasons, an PPL Token issuing entity may optionally choose to hold "Freeze Authority" over all accounts created in association with its mint.

This allows them to freeze the assets in a given account at will, rendering the account unusable until thawed. If this feature is in use, the freeze authority's pubkey will be registered in the PPL Token's mint account.

Testing the Integration

Be sure to test your complete workflow on PUT devnet and testnet clusters before moving to production on mainnet-beta.

Devnet is the most open and flexible, and ideal for initial development, while testnet offers more realistic cluster configuration.

Both devnet and testnet support a faucet, run PUT airdrop 1 to obtain some devnet or testnet PUT for development and testing.

Last updated