Create a new NFT-Mint

$ ppl-nft create-token --total-supply 100 --nft-name moon -nft-ymbol put-nft1 --icon-uri " "

Creating token 2ZYMxZojdocSbwcGg4W92H3hVE9qgMBo7XQg9aug6uKs

program_id An2DRyUtGBKYioLhHJEQ3nPcGgzzRJQ8vgdhyjdtC14H

Address: 2ZYMxZojdocSbwcGg4W92H3hVE9qgMBo7XQg9aug6uKs

total_supply: 100


Signature: 2sKCphf2ZykBRcVPnZEDCgxcw88MgNv5QKNH8wBH3KeYLvDTWWuTbSqrLbP2BMyBq5kEBJRpps94be6bvaYURiax

The create-token instruction creates a unique Nft casting address which is called the mint account - 2ZYMxZojdocSbwcGg4W92H3hVE9qgMBo7XQg9aug6uKs.

A unique NFT can then be cast based on this address. Unlike the ppl-token, this instruction must specify the supply quantity when the foundry is created .

In the following example, a mint with a total supply of 100 is created, and its name, symbol and icon are set.

After that we can query the mint account through the mint-info instruction.

$ ppl-nft mint-info 2ZYMxZojdocSbwcGg4W92H3hVE9qgMBo7XQg9aug6uKs

Already Supply: 0
Total Supply: 100
Mint: 2ZYMxZojdocSbwcGg4W92H3hVE9qgMBo7XQg9aug6uKs
Name: moon
Symbol: put-nft1
Icon uri:
Mint authority: BRxWruwQv3berDJELRM73dtp7f4712aiodZ6KCY4RLkq
Freeze authority: None
Initialized: true

This instruction allows you to view the casting information (current casting, total supply) for the Nft mint account, as well as some of the mint account's own properties.

The Mint authority specifies the administrative account of the mint account (BRxWruwQv3berDJELRM73dtp7f4712aiodZ6KCY4RLkq).

Only with the private key of the administrative account can you perform a series of operations on the mint account, such as mint.

Last updated