CLI Usage Reference

The PUT-CLI crate provides a command-line interface tool for Solana


Get Pubkey

// Command
$ put-keygen pubkey

// Return

Airdrop PUT/Lamports

// Command
$ put airdrop 1

// Return
"1 PUT"

Get Balance

// Command
$ put balance

// Return
"3.00050001 PUT"

Confirm Transaction

// Command
$ put confirm <TX_SIGNATURE>

// Return
"Confirmed" / "Not found" / "Transaction failed with error <ERR>"

Deploy program

// Command
$ put program deploy <PATH>

// Return



put-cli 1.14.7 (src:030eb5f2; feat:1443040149)
Blockchain, Rebuilt for Scale


    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/put/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Solana's JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the put cluster

    account                              Show the contents of an account
    address                              Get your public key
    address-lookup-table                 Address lookup table management
    airdrop                              Request PUT from a faucet
    authorize-nonce-account              Assign account authority to a new entity
    balance                              Get your balance
    block                                Get a confirmed block
    block-height                         Get current block height
    block-production                     Show information about block production
    block-time                           Get estimated production time of a block
    catchup                              Wait for a validator to catch up to the cluster
    close-vote-account                   Close a vote account and withdraw all funds remaining
    cluster-date                         Get current cluster date, computed from genesis creation time and network
    cluster-version                      Get the version of the cluster entrypoint
    completion                           Generate completion scripts for various shells
    config                               Solana command-line tool configuration settings
    confirm                              Confirm transaction by signature
    create-address-with-seed             Generate a derived account address with a seed
    create-nonce-account                 Create a nonce account
    create-stake-account                 Create a stake account
    create-stake-account-checked         Create a stake account, checking the withdraw authority as a signer
    create-vote-account                  Create a vote account
    deactivate-stake                     Deactivate the delegated stake from the stake account
    decode-transaction                   Decode a serialized transaction
    delegate-stake                       Delegate stake to a vote account
    epoch                                Get current epoch
    epoch-info                           Get information about the current epoch
    feature                              Runtime feature management
    fees                                 Display current cluster fees (Deprecated in v1.8.0)
    first-available-block                Get the first available block in the storage
    genesis-hash                         Get the genesis hash
    gossip                               Show the current gossip network nodes
    help                                 Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    inflation                            Show inflation information
    largest-accounts                     Get addresses of largest cluster accounts
    leader-schedule                      Display leader schedule
    live-slots                           Show information about the current slot progression
    logs                                 Stream transaction logs
    merge-stake                          Merges one stake account into another
    new-nonce                            Generate a new nonce, rendering the existing nonce useless
    nonce                                Get the current nonce value
    nonce-account                        Show the contents of a nonce account
    ping                                 Submit transactions sequentially
    program                              Program management
    redelegate-stake                     Redelegate active stake to another vote account
    rent                                 Calculate per-epoch and rent-exempt-minimum values for a given account data
                                         field length.
    resolve-signer                       Checks that a signer is valid, and returns its specific path; useful for
                                         signers that may be specified generally, eg. usb://ledger
    slot                                 Get current slot
    split-stake                          Duplicate a stake account, splitting the tokens between the two
    stake-account                        Show the contents of a stake account
    stake-authorize                      Authorize a new signing keypair for the given stake account
    stake-authorize-checked              Authorize a new signing keypair for the given stake account, checking the
                                         authority as a signer
    stake-history                        Show the stake history
    stake-minimum-delegation             Get the stake minimum delegation amount
    stake-set-lockup                     Set Lockup for the stake account
    stake-set-lockup-checked             Set Lockup for the stake account, checking the new authority as a signer
    stakes                               Show stake account information
    supply                               Get information about the cluster supply of PUT
    transaction-count                    Get current transaction count
    transaction-history                  Show historical transactions affecting the given address from newest to
    transfer                             Transfer funds between system accounts
    upgrade-nonce-account                One-time idempotent upgrade of legacy nonce versions in order to bump them
                                         out of chain blockhash domain.
    validator-info                       Publish/get Validator info on Solana
    validators                           Show summary information about the current validators
    vote-account                         Show the contents of a vote account
    vote-authorize-voter                 Authorize a new vote signing keypair for the given vote account
    vote-authorize-voter-checked         Authorize a new vote signing keypair for the given vote account, checking
                                         the new authority as a signer
    vote-authorize-withdrawer            Authorize a new withdraw signing keypair for the given vote account
    vote-authorize-withdrawer-checked    Authorize a new withdraw signing keypair for the given vote account,
                                         checking the new authority as a signer
    vote-update-commission               Update the vote account's commission
    vote-update-validator                Update the vote account's validator identity
    wait-for-max-stake                   Wait for the max stake of any one node to drop below a percentage of total.
    withdraw-from-nonce-account          Withdraw PUT from the nonce account
    withdraw-from-vote-account           Withdraw lamports from a vote account into a specified account
    withdraw-stake                       Withdraw the unstaked PUT from the stake account


Show the contents of an account


    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --lamports                       Display balance in lamports instead of PUT
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/put/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Solana's JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
    -o, --output-file <FILEPATH>           Write the account data to this file
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the put cluster

    <ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>    Account key URI. , one of:
                           * a base58-encoded public key
                           * a path to a keypair file
                           * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                           * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                           * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)


Get your public key

    put address [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

        --confirm-key                    Confirm key on device; only relevant if using remote wallet
    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/put/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Solana's JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the put cluster


Address lookup table management

    put address-lookup-table [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/put/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Solana's JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the put cluster

    close         Permanently closes a lookup table
    create        Create a lookup table
    deactivate    Permanently deactivates a lookup table
    extend        Append more addresses to a lookup table
    freeze        Permanently freezes a lookup table
    get           Display information about a lookup table
    help          Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)


Request PUT from a faucet


    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/put/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Solana's JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the put cluster

    <AMOUNT>               The airdrop amount to request, in PUT
    <RECIPIENT_ADDRESS>    The account address of airdrop recipient. , one of:
                             * a base58-encoded public key
                             * a path to a keypair file
                             * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                             * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                             * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)


Assign account authority to a new entity

    put authorize-nonce-account [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <NONCE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS> <AUTHORITY_PUBKEY>

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>
            Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values: processed, confirmed, finalized]

        --with-compute-unit-price <COMPUTE-UNIT-PRICE>
            Set compute unit price for transaction, in increments of 0.000001 lamports per compute unit.

    -C, --config <FILEPATH>
            Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/put/cli/config.yml]

    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>
            URL for Solana's JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta, testnet, devnet, localhost]

    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                               Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --with-memo <MEMO>                                Specify a memo string to include in the transaction.
        --nonce-authority <KEYPAIR>
            Provide the nonce authority keypair to use when signing a nonced transaction

        --output <FORMAT>
            Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-compact]

        --ws <URL>                                        WebSocket URL for the put cluster

    <NONCE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>    Address of the nonce account. , one of:
                                 * a base58-encoded public key
                                 * a path to a keypair file
                                 * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                                 * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                                 * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
    <AUTHORITY_PUBKEY>         Account to be granted authority of the nonce account. , one of:
                                 * a base58-encoded public key
                                 * a path to a keypair file
                                 * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                                 * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                                 * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)


Get your balance


    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --lamports                       Display balance in lamports instead of PUT
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/put/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Solana's JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the put cluster

    <ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>    The account address of the balance to check. , one of:
                           * a base58-encoded public key
                           * a path to a keypair file
                           * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                           * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                           * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)


Get a confirmed block

    put block [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [SLOT]

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/put/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Solana's JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the put cluster



Get current block height

    put block-height [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/put/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Solana's JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the put cluster


Show information about block production

    put block-production [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/put/cli/config.yml]
        --epoch <epoch>                    Epoch to show block production for [default: current epoch]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Solana's JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --slot-limit <slot_limit>          Limit results to this many slots from the end of the epoch [default: full
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the put cluster


Get estimated production time of a block

    put block-time [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [SLOT]

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/put/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Solana's JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the put cluster

    <SLOT>    Slot number of the block to query


Wait for a validator to catch up to the cluster

    put catchup [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [ARGS]

        --follow                         Continue reporting progress even after the validator has caught up
    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --log                            Don't update the progress inplace; instead show updates with its own new lines
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/put/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Solana's JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --our-localhost <PORT>             Guess Identity pubkey and validator rpc node assuming local (possibly
                                           private) validator [default: 8899]
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the put cluster

    <OUR_VALIDATOR_PUBKEY>    Identity pubkey of the validator, one of:
                                * a base58-encoded public key
                                * a path to a keypair file
                                * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                                * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                                * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
    <OUR_URL>                 JSON RPC URL for validator, which is useful for validators with a private RPC service


Close a vote account and withdraw all funds remaining


    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --authorized-withdrawer <AUTHORIZED_KEYPAIR>      Authorized withdrawer [default: cli config keypair]
        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>
            Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values: processed, confirmed, finalized]

        --with-compute-unit-price <COMPUTE-UNIT-PRICE>
            Set compute unit price for transaction, in increments of 0.000001 lamports per compute unit.

    -C, --config <FILEPATH>
            Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/put/cli/config.yml]

        --fee-payer <KEYPAIR>
            Specify the fee-payer account. This may be a keypair file, the ASK keyword
            or the pubkey of an offline signer, provided an appropriate --signer argument
            is also passed. Defaults to the client keypair.
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>
            URL for Solana's JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta, testnet, devnet, localhost]

    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                               Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --with-memo <MEMO>                                Specify a memo string to include in the transaction.
        --output <FORMAT>
            Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-compact]

        --ws <URL>                                        WebSocket URL for the put cluster

    <VOTE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>    Vote account to be closed. , one of:
                                * a base58-encoded public key
                                * a path to a keypair file
                                * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                                * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                                * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
    <RECIPIENT_ADDRESS>       The recipient of all withdrawn PUT. , one of:
                                * a base58-encoded public key
                                * a path to a keypair file
                                * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                                * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                                * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)


Get current cluster date, computed from genesis creation time and network time

    put cluster-date [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/put/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Solana's JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the put cluster


Get the version of the cluster entrypoint

    put cluster-version [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/put/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Solana's JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the put cluster


Generate completion scripts for various shells

    put completion [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/put/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Solana's JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
    -s, --shell <shell>                     [default: bash]  [possible values: bash, fish, zsh, powershell, elvish]
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the put cluster


Solana command-line tool configuration settings

    put config [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/put/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Solana's JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the put cluster

    export-address-labels    Export the current address labels
    get                      Get current config settings
    help                     Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    import-address-labels    Import a list of address labels
    set                      Set a config setting


Confirm transaction by signature


    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/put/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Solana's JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the put cluster

    <TRANSACTION_SIGNATURE>    The transaction signature to confirm

Note: This will show more detailed information for finalized transactions with verbose mode (-v/--verbose).

Account modes:
    s: signed
    r: readable (always true)
    w: writable
    x: program account (inner instructions excluded)


Generate a derived account address with a seed

    put create-address-with-seed [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <SEED_STRING> <PROGRAM_ID>

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/put/cli/config.yml]
        --from <FROM_PUBKEY>               From (base) key, [default: cli config keypair]. , one of:
                                             * a base58-encoded public key
                                             * a path to a keypair file
                                             * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                                             * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                                             * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Solana's JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the put cluster

    <SEED_STRING>    The seed.  Must not take more than 32 bytes to encode as utf-8
    <PROGRAM_ID>     The program_id that the address will ultimately be used for,
                     or one of NONCE, STAKE, and VOTE keywords


Create a nonce account

    put create-nonce-account [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <ACCOUNT_KEYPAIR> <AMOUNT>

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>
            Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values: processed, confirmed, finalized]

        --with-compute-unit-price <COMPUTE-UNIT-PRICE>
            Set compute unit price for transaction, in increments of 0.000001 lamports per compute unit.

    -C, --config <FILEPATH>
            Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/put/cli/config.yml]

    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>
            URL for Solana's JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta, testnet, devnet, localhost]

    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                               Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --with-memo <MEMO>                                Specify a memo string to include in the transaction.
        --nonce-authority <PUBKEY>
            Assign noncing authority to another entity. , one of:
              * a base58-encoded public key
              * a path to a keypair file
              * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
              * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
              * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
        --output <FORMAT>
            Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-compact]

        --seed <STRING>
            Seed for address generation; if specified, the resulting account will be at a derived address of the
            NONCE_ACCOUNT pubkey
        --ws <URL>                                        WebSocket URL for the put cluster

    <ACCOUNT_KEYPAIR>    Keypair of the nonce account to fund
    <AMOUNT>             The amount to load the nonce account with, in PUT; accepts keyword ALL


Create a stake account

    put create-stake-account [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <STAKE_ACCOUNT_KEYPAIR> <AMOUNT>

        --dump-transaction-message       Display the base64 encoded binary transaction message in sign-only mode
    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --sign-only                      Sign the transaction offline
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --blockhash <BLOCKHASH>                           Use the supplied blockhash
        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>
            Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values: processed, confirmed, finalized]

        --with-compute-unit-price <COMPUTE-UNIT-PRICE>
            Set compute unit price for transaction, in increments of 0.000001 lamports per compute unit.

    -C, --config <FILEPATH>
            Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/put/cli/config.yml]

        --custodian <PUBKEY>
            Authority to modify lockups. , one of:
              * a base58-encoded public key
              * a path to a keypair file
              * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
              * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
              * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
        --fee-payer <KEYPAIR>
            Specify the fee-payer account. This may be a keypair file, the ASK keyword
            or the pubkey of an offline signer, provided an appropriate --signer argument
            is also passed. Defaults to the client keypair.
        --from <KEYPAIR>                                  Source account of funds [default: cli config keypair]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>
            URL for Solana's JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta, testnet, devnet, localhost]

    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                               Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --lockup-date <RFC3339 DATETIME>
            The date and time at which this account will be available for withdrawal

        --lockup-epoch <NUMBER>
            The epoch height at which this account will be available for withdrawal

        --with-memo <MEMO>                                Specify a memo string to include in the transaction.
        --nonce <PUBKEY>
            Provide the nonce account to use when creating a nonced
            transaction. Nonced transactions are useful when a transaction
            requires a lengthy signing process. Learn more about nonced
            transactions at
        --nonce-authority <KEYPAIR>
            Provide the nonce authority keypair to use when signing a nonced transaction

        --output <FORMAT>
            Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-compact]

        --seed <STRING>
            Seed for address generation; if specified, the resulting account will be at a derived address of the
            STAKE_ACCOUNT_KEYPAIR pubkey
        --signer <PUBKEY=SIGNATURE>...                    Provide a public-key/signature pair for the transaction
        --stake-authority <PUBKEY>                        Authorized staker [default: cli config keypair]
        --ws <URL>                                        WebSocket URL for the put cluster
        --withdraw-authority <PUBKEY>                     Authorized withdrawer [default: cli config keypair]

    <STAKE_ACCOUNT_KEYPAIR>    Stake account to create (or base of derived address if --seed is used)
    <AMOUNT>                   The amount to send to the stake account, in PUT; accepts keyword ALL


Create a stake account, checking the withdraw authority as a signer

    put create-stake-account-checked [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <STAKE_ACCOUNT_KEYPAIR> <AMOUNT>

        --dump-transaction-message       Display the base64 encoded binary transaction message in sign-only mode
    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --sign-only                      Sign the transaction offline
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --blockhash <BLOCKHASH>                           Use the supplied blockhash
        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>
            Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values: processed, confirmed, finalized]

        --with-compute-unit-price <COMPUTE-UNIT-PRICE>
            Set compute unit price for transaction, in increments of 0.000001 lamports per compute unit.

    -C, --config <FILEPATH>
            Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/put/cli/config.yml]

        --fee-payer <KEYPAIR>
            Specify the fee-payer account. This may be a keypair file, the ASK keyword
            or the pubkey of an offline signer, provided an appropriate --signer argument
            is also passed. Defaults to the client keypair.
        --from <KEYPAIR>                                  Source account of funds [default: cli config keypair]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>
            URL for Solana's JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta, testnet, devnet, localhost]

    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                               Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --with-memo <MEMO>                                Specify a memo string to include in the transaction.
        --nonce <PUBKEY>
            Provide the nonce account to use when creating a nonced
            transaction. Nonced transactions are useful when a transaction
            requires a lengthy signing process. Learn more about nonced
            transactions at
        --nonce-authority <KEYPAIR>
            Provide the nonce authority keypair to use when signing a nonced transaction

        --output <FORMAT>
            Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-compact]

        --seed <STRING>
            Seed for address generation; if specified, the resulting account will be at a derived address of the
            STAKE_ACCOUNT_KEYPAIR pubkey
        --signer <PUBKEY=SIGNATURE>...                    Provide a public-key/signature pair for the transaction
        --stake-authority <PUBKEY>                        Authorized staker [default: cli config keypair]
        --ws <URL>                                        WebSocket URL for the put cluster
        --withdraw-authority <KEYPAIR>                    Authorized withdrawer [default: cli config keypair]

    <STAKE_ACCOUNT_KEYPAIR>    Stake account to create (or base of derived address if --seed is used)
    <AMOUNT>                   The amount to send to the stake account, in PUT; accepts keyword ALL


Create a vote account


        --allow-unsafe-authorized-withdrawer    Allow an authorized withdrawer pubkey to be identical to the validator
                                                identity account pubkey or vote account pubkey, which is normally an
                                                unsafe configuration and should be avoided.
        --dump-transaction-message              Display the base64 encoded binary transaction message in sign-only mode
    -h, --help                                  Prints help information
        --no-address-labels                     Do not use address labels in the output
        --sign-only                             Sign the transaction offline
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation           Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use
                                                the BIP39 official English word list
    -V, --version                               Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                               Show additional information

        --authorized-voter <VOTER_PUBKEY>
            Public key of the authorized voter [default: validator identity pubkey]. , one of:
              * a base58-encoded public key
              * a path to a keypair file
              * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
              * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
              * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
        --blockhash <BLOCKHASH>                           Use the supplied blockhash
        --commission <PERCENTAGE>
            The commission taken on reward redemption (0-100) [default: 100]

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>
            Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values: processed, confirmed, finalized]

        --with-compute-unit-price <COMPUTE-UNIT-PRICE>
            Set compute unit price for transaction, in increments of 0.000001 lamports per compute unit.

    -C, --config <FILEPATH>
            Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/put/cli/config.yml]

        --fee-payer <KEYPAIR>
            Specify the fee-payer account. This may be a keypair file, the ASK keyword
            or the pubkey of an offline signer, provided an appropriate --signer argument
            is also passed. Defaults to the client keypair.
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>
            URL for Solana's JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta, testnet, devnet, localhost]

    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                               Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --with-memo <MEMO>                                Specify a memo string to include in the transaction.
        --nonce <PUBKEY>
            Provide the nonce account to use when creating a nonced
            transaction. Nonced transactions are useful when a transaction
            requires a lengthy signing process. Learn more about nonced
            transactions at
        --nonce-authority <KEYPAIR>
            Provide the nonce authority keypair to use when signing a nonced transaction

        --output <FORMAT>
            Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-compact]

        --seed <STRING>
            Seed for address generation; if specified, the resulting account will be at a derived address of the VOTE
            ACCOUNT pubkey
        --signer <PUBKEY=SIGNATURE>...                    Provide a public-key/signature pair for the transaction
        --ws <URL>                                        WebSocket URL for the put cluster

    <ACCOUNT_KEYPAIR>      Vote account keypair to create
    <IDENTITY_KEYPAIR>     Keypair of validator that will vote with this account
    <WITHDRAWER_PUBKEY>    Public key of the authorized withdrawer, one of:
                             * a base58-encoded public key
                             * a path to a keypair file
                             * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                             * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                             * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)


Deactivate the delegated stake from the stake account

    put deactivate-stake [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <STAKE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>

        --delinquent                     Deactivate abandoned stake that is currently delegated to a delinquent vote
        --dump-transaction-message       Display the base64 encoded binary transaction message in sign-only mode
    -h, --help                           Prints help information